Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Culture Wars, round one
(on this blog at least...)

Chomsky, Horowitz & other wing nuts...

I think that Zepezauer guy (see below) is trying to find chinks in my right wing armor. The other day he sent me some interesting links, in response to my statement that although it's a tough job being a "right wing fascist" when you've got hyperbolic ignoramuses and blowhards like Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity professing to be your spokespeople, it's hard not to swing a little to the right when (to quote my several day old email) "I read little ditties like David Horowitz's unrebutted (as far as I'm aware) 'The Sick Mind of Noam Chomsky' and watch with nauseau as the left embraces dubious cause celebres, from Mumia to Fidel to Tookie."

Zepezauer shot me back the following Horowitz-bashing links (Horowitz was one of the founders of the New Left in the 60s, who swung to the conservatism in response to what he saw as the bloodshed and hypocrisy committed by his idealistic former colleagues)...

And let's allow the bellicose Mr. Horowitz what he calls his...
Replies to (Leftwing) Critics

Enough verbosity. Now for a little fun. Let's watch Sacha Baron Cohen pretend to be Ali G and pretend to make an ass of himself interviewing Prof. Noam Chomsky...

Then let's watch Noam Chomsky pretend (I assume) not to be a conspiracy buff...

Finally, we'll watch David Horowitz pretend (I hope) to cover up for the execrable Ann Coulter's denunciation of 9/11 widows...

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